604-761-1518 frameinsteel@gmail.com

Winter is the time when walls of the house get infested by mould causing lasting damage and great distress to its inhabitants. Mould is not only ugly to look at, it also contains chemicals that are toxic to the human body and can cause anything from depression to memory loss. Therefore, it is important to get rid of mould by asking for help from drywall contractor Barnaby as soon as you are aware of the problem. Mould that is growing on your interior walls can be either benign or neurotoxic. It is usually distinguishable what kind of mould you have from the colour of the mould and the dampness of the area where it is present. Mould that grows openly on mildly damp surfaces are usually harmful compared to mould in secluded, damp areas..Drywall contractor Barnaby are trained in figuring out what mould they’re dealing with and how to make the interior wall safe and healthy. Hence, it is a good idea to ask for from drywall contractor Barnaby assistance instead of attempting to take care of the matter alone, since it is common for mould to come back once moisture returned to the infecting surface.